

May 7, 2007

Is that a word?  I don’t think so, oh well.

I promised some screenshots, and here they be.


This is Natasya and her new cat before leaving Auberdine.  I thought this was a great nighttime shot, and it also demonstrates the see-thru-ness of the cat.  Isn’t it the coolest?


And here’s Natasya and her lazy kitty posing for us on the docks of Menethil.

I also updated Thodin’s and Natasya’s profiles with new pictures, go check them out.


  1. woah that first shot is at night? the moon glows as brightly as the sun 😉

  2. Maybe it is during the day =P It’s called “Dark”shore afterall. I posted these in a rush, oh wells.

  3. I may just hijack that first picture and turn it into a cool wallpaper… wish me luck! :O

  4. Go ahead! Let me know how it comes out.

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