
Wish/To Do Lists

Everyone has things they want to accomplish in WoW, otherwise why would they play the game?  I’m no different, which is why I decided to create this page.  It will be good to have all my goals in one place.

This will be an ever-changing and updating list.  As for the gear, I’m not thinking of what I want to have in the total “end game.”  This is more of a “what I want to get along the way for my level” kind of list (atleast in terms of quest rewards and drops).  I’m a casual player, so I’ll never have the most awesomest Tier 4 and 5 gear, and I’m not really upset by that.

Quest Rewards:

Goal profiles based on gear acquired through quests:




  • Ding 70 (Yay!)
  • Level Natasya to 60 (then 70)
  • Buy flying mount (Slow bastard)