Archive for the ‘Addons’ Category


Almost out of Terokkar

March 29, 2007

So here’s the first of what I hope will be many updates about the life of Thodin.

First of all, let me just say that I’m glad I was able to grab Hatebringer in the Underbog.  I had 0 skill in 2h maces when it dropped, but nobody else wanted it, so I said “sure I’ll take it.” It took me about 45 minutes to level my skill from 1-320 or so (intellect buff and Hamstring spam FTW).  I’m very happy that I took the time to level the skill up though, because now I’m a friggin killing machine.

Speaking of awesome gear, I have decided that I need Terokk’s Quill.  Anyone want to go to Sethekk Halls with me?  Look at the damage on that baby.  Whooo boy.


The thing I love most about WoW is doing quests.  I love quests.  I love the lore behind quests.  And I also love the humor and references that Blizzard puts in their quests.  Which is why, even though I wasn’t too fond of killing a bunch of sand gnomes, I thought the “Fumping” and “The Big Bone Worm” quests were pretty awesome. 

If you’ve never heard of Dune, then you won’t really understand what I’m talking about.  But that’s what’s great about some of the quests, if you know what they’re making reference to it makes it that much better.  In Dune there are these giant sandworms that are called to the surface by “thumpers” (aka “fumpers”).  What was especially cool were the names of the quest rewards and the name of the “big bone worm” (Sandworms in Dune are also known as Shai’ hulud, and the big worm’s name is Hai’Shalud). 


The quest rewards make reference to characters in Dune, mainly Muad’Dib, and the Reverend Mother (I can’t figure out the Shani reference).

Well that’s it for now.  I’ll be working on the Addons page today (I took some screenies of my setup and Addons), and other things here and there.  I know this place doesn’t look like much right now, but I’m just getting started.


Does anyone know how to get a Thottbot or Allakhazam item link to work?  What I mean is, I’ve seen in some people’s blogs and on some sites, when you hover over the item’s name, it’s stats show up (just like in the Armory or something).  I don’t know how to get this to work.  Do I need some special functionality in my blog?  Am I just linking wrong?  Any help would be awesome.