Archive for the ‘Stats’ Category


Warrior Woes

March 30, 2007

It’s always said that warriors are the most gear-dependent class in the game.  This doesn’t really bother me all that much, because half of the fun of WoW is getting new gear.  What does bother me is trying to figure out what stats will benefit Thodin the most.  Especially when I hate doing all sorts of calculations.

Do I want more Strength, Attack Power, Crit?  I’ve been going crazy lately trying to get the most AP out of my gear, but after searching through the forums (::shudder::) I’ve found that for my build (Arms with a bigass 2h mace) I should concentrate on my weapon’s top damage and my +Crit.  A lot of my gear has +Crit on it (though some of my socketed stuff has a lot of AP gems in it, I might start switching those out in favor of +Crit).  Also, I’ve found out that Agi is pretty much worthless for a warrior’s DPS, so I’ll keep that in mind.  And apparently 1 Str=2 AP, and I think I tend to overlook +Str. 

One of my basic philosophies about this game is to not get way too caught up in the technical aspects, but lately I’ve found that I’m not listening to my own advice.  From what I read, it seems that the route I’m taking is basically ok.  I think from now on I might just start to concentrate more on +Crit gems and such (+Crit and +Str gems would be good).  But the most important thing for me is to just have fun playing the game the way I enjoy playing it.  I know I’ll never have the best tanking gear or the best DPS gear, but I do know that I will always strive to make the most of the gear that I have and allow my skills as a warrior to make up for anything people think I’m “missing” in my stats.

Speaking of tanking and DPSing, I just worked out a talent build for when I hit 70 that I think will allow me to tank and DPS pretty well.  We shall see.

Anyone have any comments or suggestions?