Archive for the ‘Guides’ Category


Warrior Guide Update

April 20, 2007

Check out the newest installment to The Warrior’s Path.

I present to you, Tanking for Dummies.

Every warrior can tank, even if they’re not talent specced for it.  Every warrior has the defensive stance (unless you didn’t complete the quest back in the day in which case you should really just quit the game).  Every warrior has the skill to use a sword and board.  Every warrior has the essential abilities that I’ve talked about in order to tank. 

Not every warrior can tank as well as every other warrior, but they can sure as hell try.

One of the things that helps me be a good tank even when I’m Arms specced is the knowledge that I am a good tank.  What I may lack in talents and gear, I make up for in confidence in my abilities and knowledge of my class.  And honestly, that’s a big part of what you need to tank the under 70 five man dungeons while leveling.

Go check it out and be sure to let me know how much it sucks and/or doesn’t suck!


My first guide!

April 18, 2007

As you may have noticed, there’s a new link under the Guides page.  This is because I’ve decided to start writing my first guide.  It’s not much right now, I’ve only had time to write up the first part so far.  I’m mostly writing this at work and I do have other things I need to get done (stupid job).

This is intended to just give some good advice to noob level 60 warriors taking their baby steps in Outland.  Although, after writing it, I realized that the first part of the guide can actually apply to any Outland first-timers.

Here’s an excerpt:

I figure that someone who has already undertaken the task of getting their warrior from 60-70 might have a handle on how to go about doing this again next time. But who knows, maybe you’ll find some helpful tips.

I also figure that someone who had the time and experience to get full BWL or Naxx loot probably knows what they’re doing; and therefore might even know more about playing a warrior than I do.

Finally, you might call yourself a casual player, maybe you don’t even have a guild.  Or, if you do have a guild, all of your guildies are too busy playing with their level 70 friends to run your noobish ass through Hellfire Ramparts. That’s what I’m here for.  You’re probably not just interested in getting to 70 as fast as humanly possible.  That’s ok too. You may even want to “stop and smell the roses” and have some fun along the way. For that, I applaud you. 

Click here to read the rest of The Warrior’s Path: To 60 and Beyond!

Please let me know what you think of this first part.  Any feedback would be awesome, because then I’ll know what to do or not to do for the next parts (and next guides).  Seriously, I’d appreciate it.