Archive for the ‘Gear’ Category


How was your weekend?

April 30, 2007

Oh mine was fine, thanks. Why, you ask?

Because I finally killed Blackheart the Inciter!!!


That’s right. He’s dead.


Now, this might not sound like a big deal to you uber folk out there, but for anyone who’s been following my blog you know that this is a big accomplishment for me. Now I just hope I can do it again! Because he didn’t drop the Adamantine Figurine which I want.

Incidentally, I also killed Murmur. Here’s proof:


I know, I know. “He dies the same way as Ragnaros, that’s not cool anymore you nub.” Shut up. Nobody can deny the cool-factor of seeing a huge elemental behemoth fall to it’s death and leave behind a huge friggin weapon.

Here’s a tip for those of you who may still be having trouble tanking Blackheart: after he does his little MC nonsense, DO NOT DPS until the tank regains a bit of aggro. This helps the tank IMMENSELY because the tank doesn’t have to run all over the goddamn place chasing Blackheart around.

In other news, Natasya is now level 17. I didn’t get to play her too much this weekend because I was too busy running instances, finishing quests, and spending tons of gold. Thodin is now the proud owner of Legguards of the Resolute Defender (with Clefthide Leg Armor for good measure), Grom’tor’s Charge, Sha’tari Wrought Armguards, Sha’tari Wrought Greaves (still need to get some good gems and an enchant to make these good to wear), and Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond that I won’t socket until I’m very ready (it wasn’t cheap).

Well that’s it for now. Hope everyone had a great Monday!


How goes it?

April 20, 2007

Thodin has recently completed two quest lines for some phat lootz.

Last night a few real life buddies and I finished the A Ghost in the Machine questline and I picked up a nice helm.  I socketed it with two Inscribed Noble Topaz (+4 crit and +4 str) and some other gem that I can’t remember right now that gives +4 str and +4 stam.  I pretty much pimped it out.

The other day I also finished the Damaged Mask series of quests.  It starts with a drop you get off of Fel Corruptors in Blade’s Edge and ends with killing the Hound-Master which was pretty much cake (I had myself, a 70 hunter, and a 68 shadow priest, and a bunch of Ancient Helper friends).  I had a decision to make on this one, should I go with Natasha’s Choker for DPS or Natasha’s Battle Chain for tanking?  In the end I went with the battle chain, because I’m starting to get more into the tanking role now that I’m 70, and until I can get the Steam-Hinge Chain of Valor and 490 def, this is a pretty little tanking necklace.

I’ve started the Karazhan key quests, though I keep getting sidetracked so I haven’t even been able to finish the first two quests in Deadwind Pass.  What a slacker I am.

In altish news, Natasya hasn’t seen much play time this week.  Lord knows how much she will see in the coming weeks, because I think I’m going to roll an alt over on Velen to have some fun with Gitr and the rest of the WoW bloggers gang.  I hate leveling Hordeside, the Barrens kills me!  I’ll let you know when I actually do start this new alt.  Hi, my name is Thodin, and I’m an altoholic.

Well that’s all for now.  Be sure to tune in next time when I’ll tell you the meaning of life.



April 3, 2007

Well I remembered that I had an account on CTProfiles, so I figured I’d waste some more time at work and make some profiles.

Basically I decided to make up some “dream” profiles based on gear that I can attain through questing and reputation.  As opposed to “in your dreams” profiles based on gear that I can attain through hardcore raiding.  I’m going for realistic as opposed to optimistic, haha.

For now I came up with Thodin’s tanking set for now, and I’m gonna work on Thodin’s solo/dps set eventually (I should probably get something done at work today).

Any comments on the gear/enchants?  Tell me what you think. 


What a Weekend

April 2, 2007

So after a marathon WoW weekend, I’m now half a level away from 70.  I’m not even finished with half of the quests in Nagrand.  Sheesh.  I guess I’ll be making a helluva lot of gold from Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley (I haven’t seen Blade’s Edge Mountains yet either, lol).

I finished Hemet Nesingwary’s slaughter quest, and am a proud owner of Hemet’s Elekk Gun, along with some nifty new bullets from Halaa.

I finally managed to get a group who could follow directions and work together, and we downed Talon King Ikiss.  Which is awesome, because I’m now stabbing bitches with Terokk’s Quill.  I’m kind of disappointed though, because I just recently got the Honed Voidaxe which I was very excited about (it looks wicked cool).  But Terokk’s Quill does a lot more damage, and boosts my crit chance up a good bit (lots of agi ftw, I guess).  So, the axe goes into the bank (I’m such a packrat). 

I also managed to grab Platinum Shield of the Valorous off the first boss in Shadow Labyrinth.  Shadow Labs is a pretty cool instance, even though my group couldn’t make it past the Blackheart the Inciter (the 2nd boss).  I think it might be because we had three level 69s in the group, and I really couldn’t hold any aggro whatsoever on the boss (he wiped aggro all the time, knocked back, ran around the room like a madman, etc).  Oh well, I’ll be 70 soon enough.

I also managed to pick up a bunch of Marks of Sargeras and a couple Fel Armaments.  Being the only Aldor in a group is pretty sweet.

So, plans for this week are:

  • Ding 70
  • Finish Nagrand
  • Grind a lot to get a Halaani Bag or two
  • Level Natasya some more (she finally has a kitty pet!)

EDIT:  Bah, I just realized that Halaani Bags are unique.  Guess that’ll cut down on my grinding, but now I’ll have to actually go out and buy some more 18 slot bags.


Not yet in Nagrand…

March 30, 2007

I was all ready to step into Nagrand last night, buuut I didn’t.  I don’t know what it is about Nagrand, I just can’t wait to get there.  It looks like an awesome zone.  I’m very excited to go there when I get home from work tonight.

I was sidetracked last night by a Mana Tombs run.  A couple of my guildies wanted to go, so I said, “sure I’ll go” because I have never been there, and I’m always up for learning new instances (and also, I wanted to get The Shield of the Void from Pandemonius).  We finally got a full group together, but then we had to wait around for 10+ minutes for everyone to arrive (this was probably the first sign that this PUG wasn’t going to work out too well).  Eventually everyone got there.  It was me, a guildie (Vilhemriker, 69 warrior), a 68 mage (my IRL friend), and two PUGgers, a 69 priest and 68 oomkin drood.

Everything went smooth, we downed the first boss with no casualties (except I didn’t get my shield), but then we got to a hallway after Pandemonius and things started to break down.  There was one pull that had 4 or 5 mobs, and our priest had the bright idea to try and MC one of the mobs (we were doing just fine with mage sheeping and me offtanking).  This failed miserably and we wiped.  The priest blamed it on the mage (“he iced too close to me”).  I blame it on foolish ideas, but what do I know I’m not a priest.

After the first wipe, Vil took control of the group and got everyone in line, and it started to go a bit smoother.  We had another wipe because of the stupid Nexus Stalkers fearing people into other groups, but the rest of the instance went pretty well.  The Nexus-Prince Shaffar fight is a biotch, though.

I did manage to get Nexus-Bracers of Vigor which I wasn’t really that excited about, but they are a sidegrade for my Bracers of Might, so I can’t complain.

All in all I think it was a good experience.  Note to warriors: I never use zerk stance so I didn’t know about this, but I was pleased to discover that Berzerker Rage can actually cancel fear.  Stance-dancing ftw.  I’m glad I got to learn the instance, because I will be back (still need the shield and I need to finish the escort quest).

Well that’s all for now.  This weekend I plan to get into Nagrand and start questing there, as well as do my level 10 hunter quest on Natasya.  There will be more updates soon (with more picture and screenshot goodness, don’t worry).


Almost out of Terokkar

March 29, 2007

So here’s the first of what I hope will be many updates about the life of Thodin.

First of all, let me just say that I’m glad I was able to grab Hatebringer in the Underbog.  I had 0 skill in 2h maces when it dropped, but nobody else wanted it, so I said “sure I’ll take it.” It took me about 45 minutes to level my skill from 1-320 or so (intellect buff and Hamstring spam FTW).  I’m very happy that I took the time to level the skill up though, because now I’m a friggin killing machine.

Speaking of awesome gear, I have decided that I need Terokk’s Quill.  Anyone want to go to Sethekk Halls with me?  Look at the damage on that baby.  Whooo boy.


The thing I love most about WoW is doing quests.  I love quests.  I love the lore behind quests.  And I also love the humor and references that Blizzard puts in their quests.  Which is why, even though I wasn’t too fond of killing a bunch of sand gnomes, I thought the “Fumping” and “The Big Bone Worm” quests were pretty awesome. 

If you’ve never heard of Dune, then you won’t really understand what I’m talking about.  But that’s what’s great about some of the quests, if you know what they’re making reference to it makes it that much better.  In Dune there are these giant sandworms that are called to the surface by “thumpers” (aka “fumpers”).  What was especially cool were the names of the quest rewards and the name of the “big bone worm” (Sandworms in Dune are also known as Shai’ hulud, and the big worm’s name is Hai’Shalud). 


The quest rewards make reference to characters in Dune, mainly Muad’Dib, and the Reverend Mother (I can’t figure out the Shani reference).

Well that’s it for now.  I’ll be working on the Addons page today (I took some screenies of my setup and Addons), and other things here and there.  I know this place doesn’t look like much right now, but I’m just getting started.


Does anyone know how to get a Thottbot or Allakhazam item link to work?  What I mean is, I’ve seen in some people’s blogs and on some sites, when you hover over the item’s name, it’s stats show up (just like in the Armory or something).  I don’t know how to get this to work.  Do I need some special functionality in my blog?  Am I just linking wrong?  Any help would be awesome.