

May 7, 2007

I must apologize, I’ve been a bit lax on the updating side of things here at The Barracks.  It’s partly because I haven’t had a chance to play a lot of WoW lately, and also because I’ve been pretty busy (hence the not being able to play much WoW).  I’m also trying to think of more interesting blog posts than “yay I have a new item” or whatever, and more in depth material takes longer to think about and write.

I noticed that my daily hits has started to dwindle, and that’s probably because of the lack of new stuff.  But fear not, faithful readers, I’ve not abandoned ye. 

I might as well take some time to give you the obligatory character update.  On the Thodin front, not much new to speak of.  There is much going on in Natasya’s life, however.  She dinged 22 on Sunday and, after waiting around for someone to come help her get her new pet.  Thanks go to Dodin, level 70 hunter and good IRL friend, for coming all the way back to the “old country” from Outland to keep the naga at bay while I ran around hunting for kitty statues in Darkshore.

For those of you not in the know, there are ruins in the north of Darkshore where you can open cat statues that have the chance of spawning a Ghost Saber.  This is a pretty cool looking cat; it’s basically a snow leopard that is perpetually stealthed.  I’ve not seen many in my travels (I actually can’t remember ever seeing a hunter with one of these, but I might just not have been paying much attention) so I thought it would be cool to have a pretty rare pet.  I haven’t thought of a good name for the kitty yet, it needs to be something awesome.  I have screenshots but I haven’t formatted them for the blog yet.

So now Natasya has left Kalimdor and is now questing in the Wetlands.  Leveling with a hunter is freakin’ amazing, I must say.  I haven’t needed to group with anyone yet, even to beat elite and group quests.  I had a bear whilst questing in draenei lands, so he could survive more than the new cat, I’m sure.  But I was able to survive a battle with five murlocs, so we’ll see.

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