Archive for the ‘Races’ Category


Monday Morning (sorta) Update

April 23, 2007

I’m proud to announce that I’ve joined the WoW blogging ranks over on Velen.  My newest alt is Thodia, blood elf huntress.  I have no cool pics or anything because she’s only level 6 right now.  I already started a hunter alt, so choosing another hunter might not have been the best choice in terms of variety.  But 1. she’s a blood elf not a draenei, and 2. she’s Horde.  So it’ll be a different path to 70 (if I ever get there, someday perhaps). 

I don’t know how much I’m going to be playing on Velen, because I still have a lot of stuff I want/need to do with Thodin over on Lothar.  By the way, do I have any readers from Lothar?  Say hi!

In other news, I finally got my ass in gear and made progress on my Karazhan key.  I ran Old Hillsbrad and got attuned for Black Morass, so I can knock that out of the way when I get there.  I tried to get the first fragment from Shadow Labs, but we couldn’t get past Blackheart the Inciter.  Does anyone have any tips on how to fight this guy?  Well, to put it more precisely,

How the crap do you tank a guy who constantly wipes aggro, does ridiculous knockbacks, and charges all over the damn room?  Seriously, I’d like to know.

I know, tank him against a wall.  Sure that’s all well and good for the first 20 seconds or so before he does his first mind control fiesta, but after that it turns into a shitshow.  He runs after everyone, I chase him around (or intercept if I can get it to work) and try to regain aggro, but by that time I’m not anywhere near a wall so he knocks me back and the whole process starts over again.  I consider myself a good tank, I know what I’m doing; but on a boss that wipes aggro every friggin three seconds and never stays in one place, it gets a little tough after a while.  I have a sad feeling that I’m never going to get past this asshole, because I’m usually always the tank, and if its something that I’m doing wrong, who knows when I’ll get it right.

We got him down to 8% once, and would have taken him down if the healer wasn’t dead.  It was just me at the end, popping whatever cooldowns and potions I could, and executing the shit out of him.  I got him from 11% to 8%, but it wasn’t enough to kill the bastard.  I guess it’s probably just gonna take a bit more practice. 

Oh well, that’s all for now.  I’ll probably have pics and updates from Velen sometime soon. 

P.S.  If you live in New England, specifically Massachusetts, get your ass outside right now and enjoy this beautiful weather.  I’m about ready to quit my stupid office job just so I can go sit in the sun.